Love Without Boundaries: Embracing Diverse Expressions of Love and Sexuality in Society

 Picture a world where love transcends all boundaries, where relationships are not confined to societal norms and expectations. In this world, courtesans were trailblazers, breaking free from the constraints of conservative Indian society and embracing their sexual freedom.

For these women, sexuality was not something to be hidden or denied, but rather celebrated and enjoyed. They understood that human desire is a natural and powerful force, and they embraced it fully. Whether with men or women, their physical and emotional relationships were marked by passion, intimacy, and mutual respect. They referred to themselves as "chapat baz" or lesbians, and used terms such as "chapti", "chipti", or "chapat bazi" to describe lesbianism. Interestingly, these women attached little importance to labels and made no verbal distinctions between homosexual and heterosexual relations. They explained that emotions and acts of love are gender-free. Words such as "muhabbat" in Urdu, "prem" in Hindi, or "love" in English can be used to describe many kinds of love, including love for a man or woman, love for country, siblings, or parents of either sex. Although their lesbianism was a strictly private matter, the absence of a specialized vocabulary made it a simple fact of life, like heterosexual love or male homosexual love. The lack of terminology or the scrambling of pronouns may also be interpreted as the ultimate disguise for it. If something cannot be named, it is easy to deny its existence. 

It is worth noting that in Urdu poetry, ambiguity about gender is not uncommon, and homosexual love often passes for heterosexual love. These women's experiences illustrate the complexity and diversity of human emotions and relationships, as well as the limitations of language and social norms in defining them.

Yet for all their worldly success, these women knew the value of true friendship and emotional connection. Many of them found this with other women, forming close bonds of love and trust that lasted a lifetime.

Today, we can learn much from the example of these courageous and independent women. We can strive to create a society that is more accepting of diverse expressions of love and sexuality, and more supportive of those who choose to live outside the mainstream. We can celebrate the beauty and power of human desire, and embrace the freedom to love without fear or shame.

These lines by Insha Allah Khan “Insha” depict the importance of representation and the courage of those who choose to write about marginalized topics, even in the face of societal opposition. It takes courage to write about taboo topics, and Insha's work highlights the value of pushing boundaries and challenging norms through art and literature. 

"ag lene ko jo aayin to kahin laag laga

Bibi hamsaai ne di jee men meri aag laga

Na bura mane to lun noch ko’ī muthi bhar

Begama har teri kyaari men hara sag laga"

(When she came to take fire, an attraction took hold;

The neighbor lady lit a fire in my heart

If you don’t mind, may I seize a handful or two?

Young lady, greens grow in every bed of yours!)

It is worth noting that in Urdu poetry, ambiguity about gender is not uncommon, and homosexual love often passes for heterosexual love. These women's experiences illustrate the complexity and diversity of human emotions and relationships, as well as the limitations of language and social norms in defining them. 


Love is a force that cannot be contained, whether it is homosexual or otherwise. It transcends boundaries and breaks through the barriers that society puts in its way. Just like the quote from the Greek poet Dinos Christianopoulos, love is like a seed that can never truly be buried or erased. It will always find a way to grow and flourish, no matter how much people try to suppress it. 

Love is like a wildland fire on an empty landscape, burning fiercely and consuming everything in its path. It is a force that cannot be controlled or predicted, just like the way poetry defies religious and social norms. Love is a hope within hope, a light in the darkness that gives us the strength to carry on.

Despite the challenges that come with being in a same-sex relationship, the love between two people is just as valid and powerful as any other kind of love. It is a reminder that love knows no boundaries, and that the human heart is capable of great things when it is allowed to love freely and openly. Why is homosexuality considered such a big taboo in India? We marry people to trees and rocks in the name of religion but do not support a homosexual marriage.


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